If you’re trying to sell your house, please know that the correct answer (when a Buyer requests a showing) is “Come on down…” You remember the enthusiasm Bob Barker had on “The Price is Right”? (Actually, I know it was the Announcer who said it. But, I don’t remember his name; he’s not nearly as famous; and nobody remembers him — so it doesn’t make for as good an example to drive home the point.)
Please. If someone wants to come see your house, please just say “Okay. Great.” Buyers don’t want to hear about your troubles. They don’t want to hear that your Maid doesn’t come until the afternoon. They don’t want to hear that you have another appointment and can’t get home in time to move the dogs.
They MIGHT want to hear that someone is sick in the house. But, beyond that, you have to understand that 9 out of 10 sellers who you’re competing with are jumping head over heals to accommodate Buyers who want to see their houses. So, when you’re not…it could be sending the wrong message to the Buyers.
And, as much as Sellers love to think “Well, if a Buyer is REALLY interested in my house, they’ll come back another day, or they’re wait around until later in the day” it doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes yes. But, sometimes no.
Today, I have clients in town from Pennsylvania who are expecting to finalize their choice (among their top three), and submit an Offer. One of the Sellers gave us a tough time about accommodating the Buyer’s request to come take a second look before finalizing their decision.
I can assure you this: besides the awkward and unwelcoming feeling (from being blown off), the Buyer will NEVER EVER choose the house he couldn’t get into.
So, do whatever you have to in order to accommodate Buyers.
If they ask to come at 11:30, please don’t tell us that “1:30 would be better”. Understand that we have two other houses to see and that would screw up our whole schedule.
Just say, “Come on down…”
Thank you in advance (for enabling me to do my job: selling your house for you).
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